Yes, we are open again. Come and play.
We play at:
Westminster City Park Recreation Center
10455 Sheridan Boulevard
Westminster CO 80020
Wednesdays, 5pm-8:45pm
Sundays, 10am-2pm
Yes, it is open gym when Badminton is available.
You do not need to be a member of Boulder Badminton Club but there is an additional charge on top of the rec center admission fee to cover for high altitude feather shuttle costs.
No we do not offer lessons, there is informal advice given during club play on Sundays
There are six courts available. Generally, courts are used for doubles.
Depending on the number of players, we may have singles play or designate one court as a practice court.
Forty to fifty players for each day.
There are players of all abilities from recreational level players to former national players.
We have a mixture of male and female players.
We have a peg board system to ensure fair chance of play and to provide players a chance to choose the level of play they are comfortable with.
To learn more, please read our Peg Board System document.
The shuttle fee is used to fund the high altitude feather shuttles during our weekly play.
Each night of play, each person uses 2-3 shuttles over a 4 hour period.
No, there is a peg board system in place, which ensures that everyone can use the facilities equally.
To learn more, please read our Peg Board System document.
We usually play doubles.
If there are not enough players to fill the courts, then you can definitely play singles.
On a Wednesday, 5:00-6:00pm is usually the quietest period.
On a Sunday, 10:00-11:00am and 1:00pm-2:00pm are usually the quietest periods.
You will need a Badminton racket.
The club provides high altitude feather shuttles, which are paid for by members or Badminton drop-in fees.
Yes, we encourage new players, and you can borrow equipment from the Westminster City Park Recreation Center check-in desk.
On your first visit you will be asked to sign up to Boulder Badminton Club. A poster with a QR code provides a link to an electronic sign-up form (sign up here) with further details on how to get a name peg, the shuttle fees and accepted payment methods. You can always drop in and pay a $5 drop-in fee, which gets you a guest peg.
Boulder Badminton Club has a no refund policy in case you can’t attend during the full period of time you’ve paid your shuttle fees for.
We use special high altitude feather shuttles that cost about $22-$26 per tube of 12 shuttles.
That means each shuttlecock costs around $1.83-$2.17.
We’ve compiled some instructions how to maximize the usage of our feather shuttles. Please read Maximize the Usage of our Feather Shuttles.
We originally started playing in Boulder, and then moved to Westminster.
No, but there are a few tournaments held each year.
Details are under Tournaments.
Yes, we do (Boulder Badminton Club Annual Tournament). We also run the Rocky Mountain State Games Badminton tournament.